Post your Instagram photos as native Twitter pictures

Stop posting pictures on Twitter that no one can see. Twitter already got the technical ability to display pictures into your own and your friends feeds. Don’t use one social media channel and think it is a perfect companion to another. Instagram is made to work with Facebook, not Twitter. But there is a solution to the problem – IFTTT (IF This Then That).

IFTTT will help you make connections between different services and solve issues that shouldn’t be issues to start with. Like people posting Instagram links on Twitter. The solution is simple:

Post your Instagram photos as native Twitter pictures

When you post a new photo on Instagram, IFTTT will post a native Twitter picture. No need to go from Twitter app to Instagram app. Display your photos directly on Twitter. Get the IFTTT recipe here or use the widget below:

IFTTT Recipe: Post your Instagram photos as native Twitter pictures connects instagram to twitter

IFTTT is free and fairly easy to use. Sign up for a free account and then verify your Instagram and Twitter account. Then you’ll use the recipe above and start posting native Twitter pictures.